Tuesday, 20 September 2011


Peace. Poetry. Places. Some of my favourite subjects. Nay, passions.

The world would certainly be better if we all genuinely worked for peace. However, as I am realising day by day, peace essentially is a misnomer. Conflict is more like it. It is even profitable! Individuals, communities and countries are bearing the brunt of ceaseless conflicts fought with such intensity over decades that the bone of contention was long forgotten. The dynamics shift, the players multiply, attempts at ceasefires and negotiations become a farce. Then there is this little thing called the ‘international community’. And African conflicts are called intractable. 

On another tangent (this shall happen often), I am mulling on social protest, people power, dictators who refuse to smell the coffee and fresh new states…the march to the ballot/bullet that so-called citizens wake up to depending on the part of the world they happily occupy. Barriers that lib, suffrage, trade, religion and the internet still cannot seem to penetrate in this globalised epoch. Peupe Part I.