Wednesday 26 November 2014

I will lift her up

"A friend is the one you connect with, the one you trust, and the one whom you share your confidences with, knowing it's safe. You talk to her regularly about everything and nothing in particular. You even call her just to complain. A good friend acknowledges that you need her to vent to. If you are going through a difficult time and you don't call her and tell her about it, later she says, "Why didn't you call me?". It's not about solving the problem, or getting advice or answers. It is about sharing and being there, being present for your friend."  
Celebrating Friendship Among Women: The Power of True Women Connections

My mother called me last evening. I could tell she was tired, she could tell i was spaced out. I really was not focusing on what she was saying but on her voice. Each word and intonation conjured a mental image in my mind; of the crinkle in her brow at the start of the conversation, of the clearing of the crease lines as we spoke about the upcoming family event, of the animation on her face as her errand list for me grew (and remember to do this...get that!) and finally, of the full-bodied laughter as we got to her favourite subject: her precious grandsons. By the time i hang up, my depression over the continued violation of girls and women's rights had lifted slightly, not entirely. I found myself thinking: Mama, will the nightmares go away? When will society respect us?

I thought of my sisters, female relatives and girlfriends whom i laugh with, argue with, cry with, journey with. The women who love me, cheer me on and understand me. This special sorority that knows what it is to bleed yet forge on in the face of adversity.

I smile when they smile, i rejoice when they rejoice, i am broken when they are broken. It is this deep connection that makes me understand the damage any violation causes to any girl or woman. It hurts me to see any girl or woman suffer abuse of any kind and humiliation that crushes her spirit and puts off the light in her life. It is what propels me to stand up for her in a society that is increasingly failing to protect us! It is what gives me courage not to be shaken even if there are those who think we are weak! It is what gives me clarity of mind to know that the greatest goal lies ahead, and no one shall detract me from it! That goal is a safe society for all girls and women. I refuse to be part of the rot that fuels our indignity. I tell it to any man or woman who is quick to violate us. I will say this again and i will not tire of saying it: when my Sister is down, i will lift her up. #16Days 


  1. What a piece! I don't doubt it even one sure know how to lift a sister up!! I know that because you lifted many times!!! Lovely piece of work!!

    1. Many thanks Cele! Those were great years full of laughter and growth:-) There's no two ways about it, we stand together always!

  2. Awesome Ndanu. So proud of you

    1. Thank you Wavi! It's a journey of inspiration with you in it!
